Improve Your Land's Environmental Value

If you are a landowner, Greenfleet can revegetate your land with native trees that will improve biodiversity and help deliver climate action.

Since 1997, we've worked with private landowners, farmers, councils and national park agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand to plant over 11.2 million native trees in more than 550 forests.

There are many benefits to landowners working with Greenfleet.

  • Improves the environmental value of the land.
  • Enhances soil and water quality by reducing erosion and salinity in the soil.
  • Protects biodiversity and creates habitat for native wildlife, including endangered species.
  • Provides shade, windbreaks, and shelterbelts for livestock.

How Greenfleet Works With Landowners

To be considered for Greenfleet's native forest revegetation, the potential planting area should be:

  • a minimum of 10 hectares
  • previously cleared of native vegetation
  • suitable for legal protection of the trees over time on title

Greenfleet may also consider particular projects, geographic locations, or land adjacent to wildlife corridors. Please note that the above is a guideline and Greenfleet assesses potential sites on a case-by-case basis.

Why Plant Native Trees?

Planting native trees provides a wide range of environmental benefits. By revegetating your land, you will:

  • Improve the environmental value of your land
  • Provide shade, windbreaks, and shelterbelts for livestock
  • Enhances soil and water quality by reducing erosion and salinity in the soil
  • Protect our unique biodiversity and build habitat for native wildlife, including endangered species
  • Help fight the impacts of climate change by removing carbon emissions.

Explore our forests read about landholders that have revegetated their land with Greenfleet.

Our Approach

From planning to planting, our speciality Revegetation Team has a strategic, hands-on approach to delivering high quality revegetation projects.

Once your project is approved to go ahead, Greenfleet will undertake the following activities at no cost to you:

  • Selecting and sourcing native seed and seedlings
  • Preparing the site for planting
  • Planting native trees across the revegetation area
  • Maintaining the forest until it is established.

When revegetating your land with Greenfleet, you will maintain full ownership of the land. Greenfleet claims the carbon emissions that are removed from the atmosphere as a result of the growing forest.

Hear from some of our landowners

  • "We wanted to make a tangible impact. Having the Greenfleet project on the property is a highly visible example of taking climate action. There’s no downside. It’s positive for the environment and has enhanced the experience of living on the property."
  • "I’m lucky to have met the people who helped to create a forest and put it back where it was taken away from. I’m so grateful to Greenfleet for helping to plant more trees and more habitat. These trees and the wildlife shows us how to live.  The more people that can get involved will change the world." 
  • Sam Lowe, Kinglake Distillery VIC
  • Jeni Nicholas, Dangerbridge QLD