Greenfleet Is Contributing To The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

As a leading not-for-profit environmental organisation, Greenfleet’s focus is on protecting our climate by restoring our forests. An additional benefit of taking climate action with Greenfleet is that you are contributing to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The goals were adopted by the United Nations Member States to design a more sustainable future for all people, animals, and ecosystems. See below some of the goals that Greenfleet is contributing to through our work in restoring native, biodiverse forests.

SDG 13: Climate Action

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts"

The impacts of climate change are now being felt across every continent on Earth and the need to combat these issues is becoming increasingly urgent.

Greenfleet delivers critical climate action by planting biodiverse, native forests in Australia and New Zealand, contributing directly to SDG 13. Since 1997, we have planted more than 10.8 million native trees across 550 forests that will capture more than 5 million tonnes of carbon over their lifetime. Greenfleet’s forests draw down on carbon in the atmosphere and actively fight the impacts of climate change.

SDG 15: Life On Land  

“Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests and combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” 

In addition to capturing carbon, Greenfleet forests build resilient ecosystems, which help restore biodiversity and improve land quality. To ensure the work we do is sustainable, Greenfleet plants a wide variety of native plant species that are endemic to each area we work in. This ensures we are restoring biodiversity in a way that reflects the vegetation present prior to the land being cleared.

These ecosystems are critical in providing habitat to many native wildlife species such as wallabies, bird species and even threatened invertebrates. One key example of Greenfleet’s work in this area, is providing habitat for Australia’s iconic koalas. In projects in South-East Queensland, Northern New South Wales, and Southern Victoria, we are planting native eucalypt species that are providing protected habitat and food sources to koala populations.

By reconnecting and extending existing habitat, we are giving this species the best chance of thriving with safe areas in which to breed and live. We legally protect our forests for up to 100 years to ensure they can take long term, sustainable climate action and provide habitat for decades to come.

SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth  

“Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full, and productive employment and decent work for all” 

Each year, Greenfleet invests over $1 million into regional economies through our forestry operations. We do this by buying, hiring, and sourcing locally from seed collectors, earth movers, tree planters, weed management teams, and indigenous plant nurseries. Economic investment made in regional Australia and New Zealand can help to strengthen resilience and social cohesion.

A co-benefit of investing locally is that we decrease the need for extensive travel when accessing supplies and services needed for our work. While this is important from an environmental perspective, it also ensures that we are delivering the best outcomes possible with funds from our supporters.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

“End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture” 

When it comes to sourcing land for our reforestation projects, Greenfleet partners with many different types of landholders.

Our reforestation work on farmland can assist farmers in establishing sustainable agricultural methods that can help reduce their impact and improve productivity. By revegetating properties such as a Glendalough we are helping farmers establish sustainable methods of working, and delivering climate action.

We also have projects designed to specifically meet the needs of local communities. The Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council is located in Far North Queensland and includes the Kokoberra, Yir Yoront [or Kokomenjen] and Kunjen clans.

In 2018, Greenfleet revegetated parts of the Kowanyama Council area with 1,000 native and fruit trees that are growing to provide a sustainable source of fresh fruit for the community. This is particularly important for remote indigenous communities where access to fresh produce can be scarce and expensive. Some of the fruit that will be harvested from this planting include bush lemons, mulberries, and mangoes.

SDG 3: Good Health & Well-being 

“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages” 

Native reforestation improves the health of our planet and by increasing the prevalence of our forests, we are also contributing to the health and well-being of people by reducing hazardous air quality and pollution of water and soil.

As native forests grow, they are actively drawing down on the carbon being held in the atmosphere, which helps improve air quality and enhances the condition of soils and waterways. The long-term focus of our plantings, and legal protection of our forests means they will continue providing these benefits well into the future.

SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation 

“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” 

One of the environmental benefits of restoring native forests, is that they can improve the health of waterways by reducing water pollution as they grow. By reforesting areas that have a direct impact on water ways, we are improving the stability of the land, reducing erosion and improving the quality of water.

Much of our work helps improve the quality of rivers, lakes and dams in the areas we work. Between 1999 and 2009 we planted nearly 100,000 native trees at Battery Creek in South Gippsland and now the forest is helping to improve water in the Batter Creek Catchment area.