Since 1997, we've worked with private landowners, farmers, councils and national park agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand to plant over 11.2 million native trees in more than 500 forests.
There are many benefits to landowners working with Greenfleet. Planting native trees improves the environmental value of land, improving soil quality, reducing erosion, enhancing water quality and reducing salinity. It also protects biodiversity, creating habitat for native wildlife and endangered species, while providing shade, wind breaks and shelterbelts for livestock
We thank the many landholders we have worked with over 25 years, for their commitment to taking climate action and ensuring a greener future for generations to come. Here's what some say about partnering with Greenfleet.
"We wanted to make a tangible impact. Having the Greenfleet project on the property is a highly visible example of taking climate action. There’s no downside. It’s positive for the environment and has enhanced the experience of living on the property." Sam Lowe, Kinglake Distillery VIC
"I’m lucky to have met the people who helped to create a forest and put it back where it was taken away from. I’m so grateful to Greenfleet for helping to plant more trees and more habitat. These trees and the wildlife shows us how to live. The more people that can get involved will change the world." Jeni Nicholas, Dangerbridge QLD