In 2022 Greenfleet celebrated 25 years of growing forest and climate hope.

Over this time we’ve created over 550 native biodiverse forests, restoring over 10,000 hectares to native Australian ecosystems. 

We've offset more than 4.4 million tonnes of CO2-e.

Planted over 10.5 million trees. 

We look forward to continuing to grow climate hope over the next 25 years and beyond.

Celebrating Our Forest Revegetation

The biodiverse, native forests that Greenfleet plants capture carbon emissions to help protect our climate, improve soil and water quality, contribute to biodiversity, and provide habitat for native wildlife. They are protected for up to 100 years and continue to capture carbon emissions over this time.

Over 25 years we have planted over 500 forests.  Here's a snapshot of four of them, from those we planted over 20 years ago, to some of our newest projects.  

Celebrating Our Landowners

Since 1997, we've worked with private landowners, farmers, councils and national park agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand to plant over 11.2 million native trees in more than 500 forests.

There are many benefits to landowners working with Greenfleet. Planting native trees improves the environmental value of land, improving soil quality, reducing erosion, enhancing water quality and reducing salinity.  It also protects biodiversity, creating habitat for native wildlife and endangered species, while providing shade, wind breaks and shelterbelts for livestock 

We thank the many landholders we have worked with over 25 years, for their commitment to taking climate action and ensuring a greener future for generations to come. Here's what some say about partnering with Greenfleet.

"We wanted to make a tangible impact. Having the Greenfleet project on the property is a highly visible example of taking climate action. There’s no downside. It’s positive for the environment and has enhanced the experience of living on the property." Sam Lowe, Kinglake Distillery VIC

"I’m lucky to have met the people who helped to create a forest and put it back where it was taken away from. I’m so grateful to Greenfleet for helping to plant more trees and more habitat. These trees and the wildlife shows us how to live.  The more people that can get involved will change the world." Jeni Nicholas, Dangerbridge QLD

Celebrating Our Business Supporters

Over 25 years Greenfleet has worked with hundreds of organisations including Telstra, Smartgroup, GPT Group, Sydney Opera House, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, Salesforce, Climate Council and Grill'd. Partnering with Greenfleet offers a simple and effective way to make businesses greener and reduce their carbon footprint.

We thank these businesses and organisations for their commitment to creating a more sustainable future.  Here's what some of them say about partnering with Greenfleet.

“We came across Greenfleet and we thought the offering was a genuine carbon offset that was working within the Australian environment and within the Australian context, to have further benefits beyond just C0-2 offsetting.” Brendan Liveris, Hanson

"Working with Greenfleet is a way to give back.  It's something that's very tangible, visible, we can get our staff involved .. something that we can participate in and watch grow over the years." Ryan Gracie, MyDeal

Celebrating Our Individual Supporters

Over 25 years Greenfleet supporters have shown their commitment to taking practical climate action, restoring native forests and growing habitat for our precious native wildlife. 

Whether by offsetting their car, travel or entire carbon footprint, or donating to plant trees to restore native forests, Greenfleet's supporters are taking personal, practical and effective action to help our environment and create a more sustainable future.  

Here's what some of our supporters say.

“It's fantastic being able to take practical action to combat climate change with Greenfleet - whether through donations or offsetting our carbon emissions, I'm proud to think my family and I are "doing our bit" and Greenfleet makes this so easy.”  

"I have supported Greenfleet for several years now, because it's great to know that along with the choices I make in my lifestyle to reduce emissions, I can offset driving a car and taking flights, and have trees planted to help fight climate change."  

Celebrating Our Team

Greenfleet has a team of committed professionals united by the desire to make an impact on climate change, including forest revegetation specialists recognised for their industry-leading knowledge.  

The Greenfleet Board and Business Advisory Council are composed of leaders from a wide variety of academic, commercial and sustainability backgrounds.

This broad experience helps ensure Greenfleet remains a purpose-driven, sustainable organisation that continues to take effective action on climate change.

Find out more about Greenfleet's Board, our Business Advisory Council and team

You can read about our 2030 Strategy here.