Revegetation To Control Soil Salinity & Erosion Along The Murray-Darling

A series of sites were planted with the joint cooperation of Greenfleet, Scouts Australia, Goulburn Murray Water and local landholders to offset carbon emissions and improve the quality of water in Lake Hume.

Lake Hume is the major operating storage of the Murray River system, regulating water flows which affect NSW, Victoria and SA. The dam was completed in 1934 and has a maximum storage of over 3 million ML. It allows for the irrigation of farmland, meets urban and stock demands within Victoria & NSW, and supplies about one third of South Australia’s entitlements*. 

The plantings were part of the Murray Darling Rescue program, and saw over 69 hectares of ex-grazing and shoreline land revegetated. Scouts Australia contributed a significant amount time and effort to see the establishment of the Murray Darling Rescue sites.

At inspections in 2011, Greenfleet found all sites to be in a very healthy condition and growing at rates expected to easily reach their carbon commitments. Average tree height is 10-15m and the second generation of many species are emerging. Some of the shorter lived wattle species are dying off and producing vast quantities of seed to create thickets, as is their tendency. This is seen by Greenfleet as a clear sign of good overall forest health.

*Source: Murray-Goulburn Water

Murray Forest

Location Size

69.5 hectares near Albury, NSW

Planting Dates



  1. Acacia meansii
  2. Acacia dealbata
  3. Acacia doratoxylon
  4. Acacia implexa
  5. Acacia meansii
  6. Acacia melanoxylon
  7. Acacia paradoxa
  8. Acacia rubida
  9. Allocasuarina verticillata
  10. Brachychiton populneaus
  11. Callistomon sieberi
  12. Callitris endlicheri
  13. Dodonaea viscosa
  14. Dodoneae augustissima
  15. Eucalyptus albens
  16. Eucalyptus blakelyi
  17. Eucalyptus bridgesiana
  18. Eucalyptus camaldulensis
  19. Eucalyptus goniocalyx
  20. Eucalyptus goniocalyx x nortonii
  21. Eucalyptus macrohyncha
  22. Eucalyptus melliodora
  23. Eucalyptus microcarpa
  24. Eucalyptus polyanthemos
  25. Hymenanthera dentata
  26. Kunzea parrifolia
  27. Leptospermum continentale
  28. Melaleuca parvistaminea 

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