Bromfields Road is a revegetation project spanning 37 hectares on Boonwurrung Country in South Gippsland, Victoria. Adjoining Lang Lang River, it forms part of the Strzelecki Nature Link connecting to Greenfleet’s 8-year-old forest at Wurneet Laang Laang.
This restoration work will deliver significant climate action by removing carbon from the atmosphere and environmental benefits that include improving water retention, soil quality, and enhancing native wildlife habitat. Greenfleet began revegetating the property in 2023 and as it establishes, this forest will provide critical habitat for the Swift Parrot and Strzelecki Koala.
Location & Map
Adjoining the Lang Lang River, this property is located in Strzelecki, Victoria, and forms part of the Strzelecki Nature Link.
It is one of six Greenfleet owned properties in this region, which together are creating stretches of protected habitat for species including the Giant Gippsland Earthworm and Strzelecki Koala.
Species & Revegetation Approach
Over 30 locally native species were planted at Bromfields Road to create a self-sustaining and resilient native ecosystem. As this project becomes established, these trees will create the understorey, midstory and canopy of the forest.
Some of the species planted include Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa), Hop Goodenia (Goodenia ovata) and Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca ericifolia). Six different species of eucalypt were planted which will be pivotal in forming the canopy of the forest. This includes the Strzelecki Gum (Eucalyptus strzeleckii), a critically endangered tree species found only in this unique region.
Habitat Restoration
The forest at Bromfields Road will be critical in creating and extending habitat for wildlife in the region. Being part of the Strzelecki Nature Link, it will help form 3.5 kilometres of contiguous koala habitat for these iconic animals to move through the region safely.
Strzelecki Koalas are endemic to the Strzelecki Ranges and the forest will provide potential habitat for this species. This genetically diverse species favours trees such as Mountain Grey Gum (Eucalyptus globulus), which makes up a portion of the planting at Bromfields Road.
The property at Bromfields Road is also likely home to the Giant Gippsland Earthworm, one of the largest earthworms in the world and described by Sir David Attenborough as “rare and extraordinary”. This species of worm can grow up to 8 metres in length and Greenfleet carefully plans our revegetation work so as to not disturb their existing habitat.
Another species that will benefit from this project is the Swift Parrot. Found only in south eastern Australia, these extremely fast birds are critically endangered due to habitat loss. They are a migratory species, spending the winters in Victoria and New South Wales, making the forest at Bromfields Road a location they can move through and feed in safety.
Climate Action
The forest at Bromfields Road is legally protected for 100 years to ensure that it can sequester vast amounts of carbon and deliver long-term, environmental benefits. Over its lifetime, the forest will remove over 86,000 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. This is the equivalent to what approximately 20,100 average cars emit on Australia’s roads in a single year.
Greenfleet uses the Full Carbon Account Model (FullCAM) to measure the carbon uptake at our revegetation sites. This model was developed by the CSIRO and is approved by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
37 hectares in South Gippsland, Victoria
Planting Dates
Species Planted
- Acacia dealbata
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Acacia verticillata
- Atherosperma moschatum
- Bedfordia arborescens
- Bursaria spinosa
- Cassinia aculeata
- Cassinia trinerva
- Coprosma quadrifida
- Eucaluptus ovata
- Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Eucalyptus globulus
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Eucalyptus strzeleckii
- Eucalyptus viminalis
- Goodenia ovata
- Hedycarya angustifolia
- Kunzea leptospermoides
- Leptospermum continentale
- Leptospermum lanigerium
- Lomatia frazeri
- Melaleuca ericifolia
- Melaleuca squarrossa
- Mysine howitianna
- Olearia argophylla
- Olearia lirata
- Ozothamnus ferrigineous
- Pomaderris aspera
- Polyscias sambucifolia
- Prostanthera lasianthos
- Solanum avilculare
- Zieria arborescens