Located on the lands of the Yuggera people, Greenfleet is restoring protected native forest across this site to extend remnant vegetation. Parts of this property are already providing habitat and food sources for many native bird species and koalas. The restoration of koala habitat in South-East Queensland is critical with the species being classified as endangered in this region. 

Location and Map

Located west of Brisbane in Grandchester, this region has been used for grazing. The restoration of this property on Yuggera Country will help restore the native ecosystem and extent wildlife habitat.  

Species Selection & Revegetation Approach

In 2022 and 2023, Greenfleet supporters helped revegetate this site with 14 different locally native species including Weeping Bottlebrush (Melaleuca viminalis), Black Wattle (Acacia concurrens) and Forest Red Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis), which is a primary food source for koalas in South-East Queensland. 

The soil was ripped ahead of the planting to prepare the land and assist with water retention. Greenfleet supporters used shovels to plant the trees directly into the rip lines.  

Wildlife Habitat Restoration

Many species of birds and wildlife will benefit from the restoration of Brown Creek, including koalas, a species classified as endangered in Queensland. The tree species planted will provide both food sources and habitat for these iconic animals.  

As the forest establishes over the coming century, it may also provide habitat to marsupial species such as Greater Gliders. This species has been heavily impacted by land clearing, resulting in their endangered status.  

Marsupials such as gliders need hollow-forming trees, such as eucalypts, to establish long-term habitat. The forest at Brown Creek is legally protected so that ecological benefits like this can be delivered as the forest becomes established. 



10 hectares in Grandchester, Queensland. 

Planting Dates  

 2022, 2023 

Species Planted  

  1. Acacia concurrens 
  2. Acacia disparrima 
  3. Acacia falcata 
  4. Acacia fimbriata 
  5. Acacia maidenii 
  6. Alphitonia excelsa 
  7. Angophora leiocarpa 
  8. Angophora subvelutina 
  9. Corymbia citriodora sub variegata 
  10. Casuarina cunninghamiana 
  11. Corymbia intermedia 
  12. Corymbia tessellaris 
  13. Eucalyptus crebra 
  14. Eucalyptus melanophloia 
  15. Eucalyptus moluccana 
  16. Eucalyptus tereticornis 
  17. Ficus coronata 
  18. Jacksonia scoparia 
  19. Lohostemon confertus 
  20. Lophostemon suaveolens 
  21. Melaleuca bracteata 
  22. Melaleuca viminalis 
  23. Petalostigma pubescens 
  24. Pittosporum anguistifolium 
  25. Syzygium australe 
  26. Trema tomentosa 
  27. Waterhousia floribunda