Environmental Stewardship Of Agricultural Areas

The Cobaw site, nestled in the Macedon Ranges, is an excellent example of environmental stewardship acting in harmony with ordinary farming and recreational practices.  The primary uses of this property are sheep grazing and recreational hunting, which assists with local pest fox and rabbit problems. Along with these activities, the landholder has decided to reserve a large amount of land for environmental benefits. He has undertaken an admirable project to create a series of wetlands that runs from nearby remnant bushland, all through the property and into low lying areas.

This project has seen numerous and significant benefits: the soil quality has improved, with water running down creek lines rather than directly down the side of the hills; water quality in the dams has increased, with a diverse range of plants stabilising the banks and slowing & filtering the water; and, wildlife in the form of amphibians and birds has increased.

Greenfleet’s revegetation project complements this wetland, creating habitat for the wildlife that has returned, further stabilising the banks of creeks & dams, and providing shelter for stock alongside paddocks.

With initial seeding taking place in the harsh drought years of 2006 & 07, this site has faced a number of challenges, including hot summers, great lengths of time without water, and browsing from native animals seeking sustenance through the difficult times. But with the unprecedented rainfall experienced in the last couple of years, the trees have flourished. Conditions have also been good for a broad range of species to germinate, and Greenfleet has seen a healthy mix of Eucalypts and Wattles emerging from the soil.

Cobaw is just one of many properties around the Macedon & McHarg Ranges that Greenfleet has helped to revegetate. In all, with the help of Greenhouse Balanced, we have direct seeded nearly 200 hectares in this region.



Location Size

23 ha in the Macedon Ranges, Central Victoria

Planting Dates

2006- 2007


  1. Acacia ausfeldi
  2. Acacia dealbata
  3. Acacia genistifolia
  4. Acacia implexa
  5. Acacia mearnsii
  6. Acacia melanoxylon
  7. Acacia pycnantha
  8. Acacia retinodes
  9. Allocasuarina verticillata
  10. Dodonaea viscosa
  11. Eucalyptus camaldulensis
  12. Eucalyptus dives
  13. Eucalyptus goniocalyx
  14. Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
  15. Eucalyptus melliodora
  16. Eucalyptus microcarpa
  17. Eucalyptus ovata
  18. Eucalyptus obliqua
  19. Eucalyptus radiata
  20. Eucalyptus rubida
  21. Eucalyptus viminalis
  22. Leptospermum continentale
  23. Solanum laciniatum

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