Located on Boonwurrung Country in South Gippsland, Victoria, Falls Road is being revegetated to native forest that will help reconnect the landscape and provide wildlife habitat.
Reforestation is critical in this fragmented landscape that is cleared of native vegetation with very few patches of remnant forest remaining. This project will help conserve biodiversity, reconnect wildlife habitat and is also taking climate action.
This picturesque site is situated on top of ridge line which, allows views all the way to the coastline. In 2021 Greenfleet planted over 10,200 native trees at this property that was previously used for pine and hardwood planting as well as cattle grazing. Now, Greenfleet’s revegetation work will help restore a biodiverse forest and provide many environmental benefits.
Native Reforestation
At Falls Road there are two Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) being revegetated, Wet Forest (EVC 30) and Damp Forest (EVC 29) and the species selected as a part of this project aim to build the resilience of each.
EVCs are classifications of vegetation in Victoria. Their categories consider a combination of factors such as floristics and ecological characteristics and are attributed to certain environmental elements. There are many different EVCs that occur across Victoria.
Damp Forest is the most prevalent at Falls Road. An EVC that is dominated by eucalypts which can grow to 30 metres tall. The species selected for this project in line with this EVC include Messmate Stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua), Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) and Hazel Pomaderris (Pomaderris aspera).
Additionally, the Strzelecki Gum (Eucalyptus strzelecki) was included in this revegetation mix. An endangered and rare species that is scattered throughout this landscape. In total 24 different native species have been planted at Falls Road.
Habitat Restoration
Increasing habitat connectivity is an important part of the work being completed at Falls Road. There have already been sightings of Swamp Wallabies and wombats in the remnant vegetation on site.
There is a strong population of koalas in this region that are genetically diverse and disease-free so increasing habitat and food trees for this species is important in sustaining them. We’ve already seen one koala present in the remnant vegetation at Falls Road.
As part of the species selection for this project, Mountain Grey Gum (Eucalyptus cypellocarpa), Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) and Eurabbie (Eucalyptus globus subsp. bicostata) have been included in the vegetation mix to provide habitat and browsing opportunities for koalas.
This growing forest will also benefit the region’s birdlife. While not currently present on this property, the critically endangered Swift Parrot can be found in the region and the Blue Gum we have planted can provide habitat to these birds. In addition to larger canopy species like Eucalypts, smaller shrub species like Prickly Moses (Acacia verticillata) are just as vital in creating biodiversity and opportunities for birdlife to thrive.
Climate Action
The forest planted at Falls Road will be protected for 100 years to ensure that it can make a long-term and sustainable impact on our environment. Located in a high carbon yield area, as the forest grows it will sequester carbon from the atmosphere and over its lifetime will capture over 14,400 tonnes of CO2-e. This is the amount of carbon nearly 700 people in Australia emit each year.
There are future works planned at Falls Road and we look forward to returning to continue taking practical climate action and further Greenfleet’s work in South Gippsland.

Location Size
Planting Dates
- Acacia dealbata
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Acacia verticillata
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Eucalyptus viminalis
- Eucalyptus strzelecki
- Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Olearia argophylla
- Ozothamnus ferrigenous
- Pomaderris aspera
- Prostanthera lasianthos
- Hedycarya angustifolia
- Leptospermum lanigerium
- Melaleuca ericafolia
- Melaleuca squarrossa
- Cassinia arculeata
- Coprosma quadrifida
- Goodenia ovata
- Kunzea ericoides
- Olearia lirata
- Solanum aviculare