This forest, located in south-west Western Australia, was planted by the cooperation of Greenfleet, Greening Australia and Shell Australia. It consists of alley plantings on land used primarily for wheat and canola crops.
Greenfleet was approached to assist with the project to combat the salinity issue plaguing the area after years of deforestation caused a rise in the water table. Apart from this, the owners were also keen to enhance the biodiversity and aesthetic values of their property. In all, 28 hectares were revegetated across six narrow strips. This will tackle not only the salinity problem, but also erosion and create habitat corridors for fauna species.
This site is now looking terrific, with WA having escaped much of the drought conditions faced by the eastern states in the past decade. The trees are around 2-3 metres tall, which is a good result in sandy, saline soil. There is also excellent survival- only a few trees died in swampy conditions early in the site’s establishment. As for the salinity issue, the landholder is happy with the progress that is being made, “the water table is rising at a reduced rate. This means less area will turn saline but we still have the problem.” It is hoped that as the trees mature, they will slow the water table even further.

Location Size
Planting Dates
- Acacia lasiocalyx
- Acacia saligna
- Allocasuarina heugeliana
- Casuarina obese
- Eucalyptus calyerup
- Eucalyptus astringens ssp. redacta
- Eucalyptus clivicola
- Eucalyptus cornata
- Eucalyptus densa
- Eucalyptus occidentalis
- Eucalyptus platypus ssp. platypus
- Eucalyptus spatulata
- Eucalyptus utilis