Greenfleet has been restoring legally protected native forests in South Gippsland for over 25 years. Focused on delivering climate action and protecting native biodiversity, our work is making a significant contribution to the region’s environment.
South Gippsland is home to some of the strongest koala populations in Australia. By restoring protected native forests in this region, Greenfleet is creating and extending habitat for these iconic animals.
Located on Boonwurrung Country, the Strzelecki Nature Link is made up of four Greenfleet owned properties in South Gippsland. Once restored, it will form a 3.5-kilometer stretch of contiguous koala habitat. By planting locally native tree species, the establishment of the Strzelecki Nature Link will deliver climate action by removing carbon and ensure safe passage for wildlife.

Four Properties Make Up The Strzelecki Nature Link
Learn more about each of them below.

Wurneet Laang Laang
Wurneet Laang Laang is the most established project within the Strzelecki Nature Link. Greenfleet has been revegetating this 60-hectare property since 2016.
More than 60,000 native trees have been planted here including species such as Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminallis) and Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) which are forming the forest canopy. These trees are providing critical habitat and vital food sources for koalas.
Within only 5 years some of the trees at Wurneet Laang Laang have grown over 12 metres tall, and the area’s Strzelecki Koalas have returned to the site to call the Greenfleet trees home.

Bromfields Road
Adjoining Lang Lang River in South Gippsland, Bromfields Road connects to Greenfleet’s establishing forest at Wurneet Laang Laang, creating a considerable biodiversity link and providing habitat for the Swift Parrot and Strzelecki Koala.
It is also a restoration opportunity for the critically endangered Strzelecki Gum (Eucalyptus strzeleckii), which is endemic to this unique area.
This region is home to the Giant Gippsland Earthworm, which can grow up to three metres in length and it is threatened due to land clearing. This worm has been described by Sir David Attenborough as “one of the rarest and most extraordinary of all Earthworms”. This property contains habitat for the Giant Gippsland Earthworm.

Mt Emily
Mt Emily is made up of about 60 hectares that abut the north eastern perimeter of Wurneet Laang Laang. This property is part of the upper catchment of the Lang Lang River.
Located within the Strzelecki Ranges, it is comprised of steep hills with incised valleys. This area originally hosted the Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) of Damp Forest and Wet Forest. These ecosystems are dominated by towering Eucalypt species that can grow over 30 metres tall.
Greenfleet’s revegetation work will begin at Mt Emily in 2024 and aims to restore the local vegetation types that will extend the habitat already growing at Wurneet Laang Laang.

Territory is an 80 hectare piece of land with the north west part of the property bordering Wurneet Laang Laang.
With frontage to the Lang Lang River, revegetation of this property will help enhance water quality and create a contiguous habitat corridor stretching from the river to the tallest peak in the area.
Greenfleet will begin revegetating this property in 2024 with a focus on planting riparian and wet forest species to help restore the forest that existed before the land was cleared.